Galley arrived yesterday. We were very happy to finally meet each other.
First thing I did was offer Galley a beer. After the long trip from New York, Galley was thirsty.
We went on a canoe ride. Galley didn't even wear a life vest!
Galley sat in the swing, taking in the view.
Galley reluctantly agreed to play dress up. Although it is beneath Galley's dignity, I insisted.
After a busy morning, Galley snuggled up with the cats for an afternoon nap.
19 Response to Galley arrival
Congratulations! Galley has excellent taste in beer.
Galley can't go wrong snuggling with cats!
You and Galley should be very happy together... until First Edition shows up. Snooty First Edition, thinking it's "all that."
Congrats. I am jealous.
What fun. I have never thought about playing with my galleys. But most of mine have come electronically, so that limits what I can do with them except edit. If I offered my computer a beer, I'm afraid of what the consequences would be.
Congrats on your publication. Have to admit I am not sure about reading a book about zombie brains, but your agent is doing a terrific job of convincing me otherwise.
Love the kitties! Galley looks so at home with them. Galley probably needed a rest after Galley's beer buzz. ;-)
Galley is gorgeous! Congrats!
I second Kristin's comment....Galley is gorgeous and a big congrats!!!
That's awesome! I'm cracking up. Congratulations!!
Great cover! I love the serving suggestions :-P
No lifevest? Please tell Galley to stop taking dangerous risks! Particularly before he's read...
(I followed Janet Reid's link!)
I came over here from Janet Reid's blog, read this post, and was like, 'Dude, this lady is pretty effin funny.' Then I saw the link for Hello Kitty Hell and it was all just too good to be true. *Follow*
Howdy - you don't live too far from me. I'm farther north and west, but still AR. It's excellent to see another Arkie getting published. Maybe it will be my turn soon ;)
Hi. I arived via Janet Reid's blog. Curious. Congratulations and very clever.
Thanks y'all! And from Galley too : )
So love galley, such a daredevil, living large that way. Especially so close to water.
Congratulations! Very cool!
Maybe Galley would enjoy a day at the bookstore where he can mingle with distant relatives before they are sold. OMG! Booksellers are involved in black market sales to bibliophiles.
Galley looks right at home.
Congrats on your publication!
Can you give Galley a Miller High Life from my Trapper Keeper? He thinks she looks cute in her pink dress (sorry it's a cheap beer, but he's in between jobs.)
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